Monday, April 7, 2008

Speed Walker

I have a tendency to walk fast, even when I'm not in a hurry.

Sometimes when I see other fast walkers I make it a race, without letting them know. I almost always win.

I should probably just chill out and walk slower...but I do win most of the time.


thegreatestshowonearth said...

I love you! And I thought it was so weird when I saw people leaving conference early. Who does that?

Amanda said...

just don't run me over! i always end up getting pummeled by fast walkers!

Leandra said...

I think slowing down is an excellent idea!

(Especially because when you are of the shorter in stature, your stride is shorter. Then you've got tall-ites steamrolling by you.Not to mention when you are rolling a backpack...)

But I wouldn't know anything about that.

Nana/Mom said...

I tend to walk fast also. When I am taking a group up the stairs for a temple session I have to concentrate really hard not to take off and leave the group behind. Otherwise I'm glad that I can still keep up the pace.
However, when I was in Utah and went with Rob to walk the dogs,( and it was up a mountain) he was so far in front of me that I had to call out for him to come back. Now there is a quick walker.