Tuesday, April 15, 2008


I love a good nap, just like I love a good night's rest. You know how I know if it was good? If I have no concept of time or space when I wake up. For instance, today when I woke up from my nap, I had no idea if I was waking up in the morning or night, what day it was, or what my name was. That was a good nap.

On the flip side, during finals or any time of stress I will wake up over and over during the night from nightmares of sleeping through the final. I end up waking up way to early, I know exactly where I am and why I can't sleep.

1 comment:

Nana/Mom said...

I used to do that when I started teaching seminary. I was so afraid that I would sleep through my alarm and no one would be there to teach but luckily that never happened; but it did come close once about 5 years ago. I used to make Dad set his alarm just in case mine didn't go off. UGh! Not a recipe for a peaceful nights sleep