Monday, April 28, 2008


In my experience, members of the church play games way more than everyone else. In fact, I don't think Uno would exist if it weren't for church members.

The funny thing about playing games with church members is that you're never actually playing the game by the normal rules. No, everyone got bored with those rules a long time ago. That's when they started making up their own rules.

We don't play Uno, we play "Card for talking," or "Spaz Uno." We don't play Spoons (which I think we made up anyway) we play "Full-contact spoons." We don't play Scrabble, we play "Speed Scrabble." We don't play Rook, we play "Mormon rook." We don't play Tag, we play "Missionary tag." The list could go on.

Do I think we should stop thinking up new games to entertain ourselves on Monday nights? Let me put it this way: No, I do not.


Amanda said...

my problem is when people change the rules of the game without changing the name of the game. it's very frustrating to get 10 minutes into a game before realizing that i'm playing a different game (by the same name and with the same pieces) than everyone else at the table. eh.

and honestly, there are so many different versions of the made-up games that no one really knows how to play the real games anymore. this also frustrates me for some reason that i can't quite put my finger on....

Nana/Mom said...

I think we should just do puzzles. You can't change those rules.