Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Losing Pens

Where do my pens and pencils keep going? Every semester I buy more, and by the end I only have a couple left. I can only remember where one has gone this semester, and it was destroyed, eradicated by chemicals I spilled on it during my chem lab.

The rest seem to have spontaneously combusted...only a pile of green powder remains, I would guess.


Carter said...

Just do what I do: Don't buy pens! I honestly can't remember the last time I bought a pen. In fact, if you read this early enough today, go to the Career Fair in the wilk. That's where I get most of my pens. I typically stock up enough to last me until the next career fair. In fact, I'm still using the CIA pen I got last year.

Rebekah said...

they're probably with your car, if you can remember where you left that

Chris said...

i also discovered that the volunteer center office thing in the wilk right off the terrace has good pens. a few times i've walked in there and just asked for one of their pens. you should try it, and then grab the whole pile of pens and run.

thegreatestshowonearth said...

Jon! I love your blog. We miss seeing you and Rob around. What are you being for Halloween this year?

Nana/Mom said...

Perhaps they are where all the mis- matched sox are. Remember how many socks we had missing every week!