Friday, September 26, 2008

Identity Theft

"Identity theft is not a joke, Jim! Millions of families suffer every year!"

Yes, identity theft is a problem, and it brings up an interesting question. What would happen if I killed someone who had stolen my identity? Is it murder? Or is it suicide? Well, who did I kill? Myself, right? So it couldn't be murder. And in a court of law, I would win the case against it being suicide. Who would believe I committed suicide if I can tell them to their face that I didn't.


Jen R. said...

you kill me John.

Liz said...

Where do you come up with this stuff? Seriously!

Rebekah said...

i'm not even going to begin to explain why this is ridiculous.

Il Bello said...

umm....that was hilarious.... My question now is, how would you kill yourself, I mean, the Identity Thief... Do you think you could gain the life insurance? Or would you have difficulty gaining it cause you're dead? Questions to ponder.

aubrey. said...

2 jons would only make the world a better place.

dont murder either.

aubrey. said...

but I guess when I made that comment I did't really know you had thuoght about murder...
maybe just one is good?