Watermelon may very well be the best flavor. Why? Well, think about it. Watermelon itself is very good. (It's like you're eating and drinking at the same time). Then you got the watermelon Jolly Ranchers, which are excellent, watermelon Blow-Pops, Popsicles, basically anything with watermelon flavoring tastes good.
Apple flavoring is hit or miss. Grape either tastes really good or it tastes like cold medicine. A lot of the other ones don't even taste like a fruit, or anything else for that matter. Some companies have even given up trying to pretend that it has any real flavor to it so they just call it "blue" or "red" or whatever. Actually, not even the watermelon flavoring tastes like watermelon, but it does taste good.
I agree that watermelon jolly ranchers are the best by far and the green apple ones are the worst. They always make me cough. I don't know why. I think it's weird when they come up with flavors like blue raspberry. There aren't any blue raspberries so what are they basing the flavor off of? I mean I don't eat them just because I don't want my mouth blue and it just seems like it would taste gross.
yeah, that's a good point. And it's not just some rogue candy maker coming up with blue raspberry either, every candy has a blue raspberry flavor nowadays. (also, who came up with the spelling of that fruit?) But, figure out the logic in this--I hate watermelon, but I love watermelon flavored anything.
I ate a watermelon jolly rancher in church today. yum!
I love watermelon gumballs that actually look like little watermelons...yummy
I love schnozberry. I want a place where the schnozberries really taste like schnozberries.
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