Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Eating disorder?

Why do we start off with salad?

I agree that dessert should go last, because it is the easiest to find room for, but it makes more sense to eat the main dish first and then salad.

The main dish is what you need to fit down there. Salad is light, and easy to polish off after you've eaten the meat and potatoes. I mean, when you pack a suit case you don't throw a couple of shirts in first. You stick your shoes in there and books and anything else that takes up a lot of room that can't be squeezed in later...same basic principle.

I dunno, maybe most people aren't trying to figure out how to fit more food in their stomach.


aubrey. said...

dessert should be first.
life is way too short to accidentally not have room for it ever.

Amanda Wilson said...

What about if people order a salad for their dinner? Are you okay with that?

Il Bello said...

jon...and again I put in a plug for italy...

That's how they eat dinner. It makes so much more sense. We americans just always have to rebel from what makes sense... I mean seriously...the metric system? What moron decided to count by 12 instead of ten?

Well. I for one think salad should come at the end of the meal...