Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Restroom Music

I think public restrooms should provide music.

I mean, sometimes you go in there, there are only two stalls and one is used, so you have no choice but to pick the other one. So there you are, sitting there, maybe reading the paper, working on a crossword, but, without going into any detail, there are sounds that would be nice to have drowned out.

Maybe it would be different if you knew the other person, but for a stranger in the neighboring stall, the only thing you really know about them is their gender, and what kind of shoes they wear, and maybe their waist size if you have really good vision, depending on the stall set-up.

All I'm saying is a little background music could easy the awkwardness of the presently silent public restrooms.


Jen R. said...

At macaroni grill they teach you italian in the bathroom.

miles said...

And you should be able to control the volume...for when things get loud. I guess if the person next to you turned up the volume it would tell you something.

Il Bello said...

so... true. I wish bathrooms were just equipped with sound proof technology. It would make everyone, in the room and out, happier. And then you could have an intercom system for those pesky moments when you a) realize there isn't anymore toilet paper and you need to call for more b) you forgot your towel and you're dripping wet c) or you've fallen and you can't get up and you weren't smart enough to follow Mrs. Fletcher's advice and buy LIfe Alert.