Sunday, March 30, 2008

Good Commentators

Really good commentators are hard to come by. These are a few that I would pick to commentate at every NBA game if I got to pick. Here are a few of their greatest quotes (all of which come from questionable sources unfortunately, but If they didn't really say them, they've said similar things):

"Twelve for 23... It doesn't take a genius to see that's under 50 percent." - Dickie V

"I love Sam Cassell, he's a great guy...but he does look like E.T." - Charles Barkley

"Let's see here, the US is up by, well that is an incalculable amount." - Bill Walton. "That would be 38 points Bill." - the other commentator


Amanda Wilson said...

Those are great picks and great quotes. I would like to add John Madden to the list. I love his voice, how he slurrs all his words and how he points out the obvious. Charles Barkley is pretty awesome though.

Amanda Wilson said...

That last post was mine (Mindy).

thegreatestshowonearth said...

Jon i feel the exact same way about bananas. i actually just bought one today at the creamery and brought it to the library. I didn't even think to buy two, because I know the other one would go bad. Also, those are great quotes. I love Charles B! I was a big SUNS fan when he played for them.

miles said...

If Bill Walton is talking, I turn the channel. They're all idiots, but at least Sir Charles is funny.

Rob said...

All great picks Jon. Bill Walton is hilarious but def. a little crazy, a product of the 60's. Charles Barkley is also amazingly funny. Just tells it like it is, or at least how he thinks it is. another good Bill Walton quote "There is no denying that Jerry Sloan has the greatest tractor collection of all time."